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Aletonggou Formation
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Aletonggou Fm base reconstruction

Aletonggou Fm


Age Interval: 
middle Nanhuan (early Cryogenian), Nh (8)


Type Locality and Naming

Kuruktag region. The Aletonggou Fm was named by E. Norin in 1937. The typical section is located at Tiementuoluogai northwest of Tiemintuo- Luogaitala. The reference section is in Zhaobi Mountain in middle Kuruktag and south of Ushitala of Heshuo County, Xinjiang Weiwuerzhu Zizhiqu (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region). Lower-middle formation of the Kuruktag Gr (3 of 9).

Synonym: 阿勒通沟组

Lithology and Thickness

The Aletonggou Fm is dominated by gray, greenish gray and minor reddish-brown medium- to fine-grained sandstone, siltstone, silty slate and laminated slate. It is obviously characterized by bearing different sized gravels (dropstones) in the fine-clastic rock, and the sandstone bearing unstable glacial intercalations (diamictite, with tens to over 100 m thick single layers) and lenticular or thin-bedded limestone. The sandstone has ripple marks and oblique beddings. The thickness is generally about 580 to 1500 m and is thicker in middle area and thinner east and westwards, and is up to 2017 m in Astanbulak.

Locally, the upper part generally contains intermediate-acidic, acidic (minor basic) volcanic rock and tuff. In the west area, intercalations of volcanic rock are increasing (especially in the upper part). In the middle area, the volcanic rock is decreasing, and in the clastic rock the dropstones are common and the strata are generally intercalated with thick-bedded massive glacial conglomerate (diamictite, with thickness 20 to 130 m). In the east area, the volcanic rock is not common and the tuffaceous sandstone intercalations are common.

[Figure: Stratigraphic Column of the Kuruktag Gr]

Lithology Pattern: 
Glacial till

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

At the bottom there is often a layer of glaciogenic rock (diamictite), which rests disconformably or locally unconformably on the Zhaobishan Fm

Upper contact

Unconformably underlies the Teruiaiken Fm tillite. However, in some locations according to the stratigraphic column, there is an intervening Huangyanggou Fm of interglacial limestone unless scoured away.

Regional extent

Kuruktag region. With a wide distribution, this formation is exposed in West Kuruktag (Kalatiekenwula, Xishankou), going eastward to the south of Heshuo County and east of Weili County, to middle Kuruktag area (Zhaobishan, Xinggertag) and Kesitanbulak north of Xingdi and eastward to east Kuruktag (Yulegunbulak); in addition, it is also exposed in Yardang Mountain on the south.




The fine clastic rock yields abundant microplants including Trachysphaeridium cultum, T. hyalinum, Pseudozonosphaera asperella, Asperatopsophosphaera bavlensesis, A. umishanensis etc.


middle Nanhuan (early Cryogenian), interpreted as the Sturtian glacial, but including part of following intraglacial

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information

Some geologists consider the Teruiaiken Formation, together with underlying Aletonggou Formation, as the product of the same ice age, with only different environments and resulting different lithologies. However, some geologists oppose such a glacial origin, and consider it to be gravity flow deposits.


Extracts from The Neoproterozoic Erathem (chapter in Stratigraphic Lexicon of China, draft of 2022) by Gao Linzhi, Ding Xiaozhong, Zhang Chuanheng, Zhang Heng.